Partfindermarine – what could it mean for YOUR business?
After a busy week at IMPA London and thought-provoking MiM meeting (Marketing in Maritime) we thought it would be helpful assess how best to promote what exactly you can gain as a Partfindermarine.comsupplier partner.
To be fair it’s a topic we probably should have addressed some time ago, and falls under the old biblical phrase of “hiding your light under a bushel” ( ie not making it clear enough what we do, how we do it, who we do it for), and how little this can cost.
So dear readers, scroll on down for a by-no- means comprehensive list of why your business will benefit from a supplier membership and if you have one already, it may make you realise what else you can do with it to push your business forward.

Top of the list – our search database
The most basic concept behind is that anyone making an internet search for a particular part or piece of equipment will see us listed as a potential source, and is then encouraged to sign up/log in to negotiate with the vendor of that item.
A simple concept, but one that requires a huge amount of effort and preparation to bring from concept to reality. Our user numbers show we have done this and need to make more noise about it. Over 9,000 users have now registered to use our platform.
In June 2021 we took the (brave?) decision to allow free access and searching to all registered and accredited trade buyers, and haven’t looked back since.
We’ve got 1 millions parts listed already, are you ready to help us get to five million?

High-quality, closely monitored
Easy to say, far more difficult to do, it relies on a combination of research, industry knowledge and determined follow-up to make sure we do what we say we do.
Every registrant is required to validate his or her e-mail address, and then we check every single buyer and seller to validate their business and right to participate. We don’t allow private buyers, consumers, members of the public in at all. We are strictly a trade-only site.
All suppliers are further vetted and references checked before they are invited to join by paying their subscription fee. Anyone who registers as a buyer and then starts selling or listing has 72 hours to pay their supplier subscription or their access is suspended.

Headline Banner Ads
Are a recent addition to our product portfolio and offer unprecedented viewing numbers, as they are seen by every user that visits our platform, whether they progress past our home page or not.
Slots are available, but limited, we can design artwork if you need it, and all our existing supplier members benefit from a 50% across the board discount as a ” thank-you” for supporting us.

“News” promotions
Developed initally as our in-house “blog” the News area has become more of a specific advertising/promotional vehicle for pet projects and platform updates.
If you have a particular product, project or piece of equipment that you think would benefit from a prominent promotion in this part of our platform then please do drop us a line. You’ll be genuinely surprised at how competitive our rates for this are, with the added benefit of staying visible, searchable and share-able for as long as you need it to.
Call us on +44 1293 871767 or e-mail

The wider world
This is quite a “wide” topic (sorry! ed.). We try to be seen at the major industry trade shows, we have quite a presence on LinkedIn (although why we can’t see why so many suppliers and distributors try to impress the LI community when it is primarily a recruiters platform?).
We have our own channel on Substack, new, and looking promising, as well as on “X’ ( the channel formerly known as Twitter) which is rapidly imploding and are watching the emerging AI marketing tools very closely.
But back to basics, we built this platform to be part-number searchable as a secure platform for buyers and sellers to deal with one another. We will continue to use all the tools at our disposal to continue with that aim.

Secure, Reliable and Trustworthy
Here in our corner of West Sussex we suffer from power-cuts due to overhead cable failure almost every time the wind blows, our road gets flooded, and we frequently lose our internet connectivity if someone crashes into a telegraph pole or communications cabinet (see photo to the right).
Good job then that the server lives securely in it’s bunker near Reading in the UK, and that it is monitored 24/7 with daily backups and an enviable almost zero unscheduled downtime record.
We’re currently on server #4, next year will see another upgrade to new hardware and increased speed/storage capabilities for our clients.