Using Partfindermarine – get more from your “Search”

This morning we had an e-mail from one of our clients, looking for some MAK pistons and claiming he could not find them in the system. We checked and found exactly what he needed, which begs the question, should we improve our system training and how can we best help our clients get the most out their subscription

First let’s look at the parts needed:

Original Search Query

Search Parts

Then we need to login and visit the “Search” page, entering “piston” in the “Query” in the “Search Parts” search box and “MAK” in the “Manufacturer” search box to combine the two most basic elements of this search as shown here on the right. Our search field “part name” is quite a wide field as we know how difficult it can be to indentify exactly what you are looking for easily and quickly. This is the only mandatory field although the more exactly you can complete the other fields the quicker you will find exactly what you are looking for. The “Manufacturer” field is a drop-down box as we moderate all new “Manufacturer” entries to the database in order to maintain integrity. That’s why you can sometimes see the message “Admin needs to approve Maker” when you add a new manufacturers name to the database.

When you are ready just click the “Search” button and your system will display the results. Here is a screenshot of the start of our listing.

Initial Results

Our results page defaults to listing 10 parts at a time, to see all 46 items found on this search just click the “50” button and the entire list will be displayed on one screen. If you only want “New” parts as our client did this morning then add “NEW” to the condition codes on your “Parts Search” box to eliminate all unwanted items.

To get in touch with the suppliers directly you then need to use one of your system “Credits” and then you can send an RFQ via the system or send them a Private Message via our secure Messaging Service.

Please let us know if you found this post helpful, if we get enough feedback we will start producing more quick “how-to” guides and publish them in our “News” area. Don’t forget you can also use this area to promote your own business and services. Please contact us for details on +44 1293 871767 or e-mail